Docontrol® WEB

Secure document management on the Internet
Docontrol® WEB is extremely useful for companies that want a web-based hosted solution with little or no installation requirements on local PCs.
Users only need is an Internet browser (e.g. Windows Internet Explorer) and a PDF reader (e.g. Adobe® Reader®). Editors only need Microsoft® Word to create and edit documents and checklists.
The system is easy to work with for all users and the users are automatically notified about updates. All activities are registered and traceable, e.g. lists of documents that the users haven’t read yet.
Intelligent and accessible for system operators because the system suggests what to do next in connection with document revision, authorization, distribution, and publication.
Administrators can tighten security in numerous ways: IP restriction, logon policy incl. logon hours and password strength, encryption, etc.
The web-based system furthermore offers the option of maintaining paper-based manuals by printing revision sets for easy updating.
Please contact the sales department for further details or for a demonstration of editorial and administrative access to the system. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.